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‘Woman on the run’ is a light, fun reminder of the power of marriage

Woman on the Run can be viewed as a lark, a simple diversion with good banter and interesting mystery. Then again, it is also a well crafted story about how a marriage rekindles the fire it once had through extraordinary circumstances. However one takes in Norman Foster’s cleverly constructed film, there is at least something for everybody.

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‘T-Men’ is a serviceable if not especially memorable combination of procedural and thriller

Movies that meld together fiction and fact as explicitly as T-Men are no longer made. In that respect, the film is something of a time capsule, a curious look into an extinct sub-genre of film that only caught on for a brief period. Audiences prefer to know what it is they are watching, be it a purely fictional tale, an adaptation of a real life event, or a pure documentary. For the 21st century movie watcher, the effect can be a strange one,

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