Fargo Ep. 1.08 “The Heap” another brilliant hour of FX’s dark masterpiece
The sorities paradox – otherwise known as “the paradox of the heap” – asks us to consider a heap of sand, consisting of grains that are individually removed. Once a single grain remains, the paradox asks a simple question: Is it still a heap? Of course, if 1,000 grains of sand make a heap, than a single grain would – and by the same token, no grains would. In short, removing pieces from a puzzle doesn’t revoke its status as a puzzle: just as removing Lester’s brother from the picture doesn’t do anything to change the conspiracy board Molly’s gathered over the past few weeks (plus one year, by the end of the episode) about Malvo, Lester, and their connection. No matter how many people die, how much time passes, or how many good things happen in her life, Molly is still stuck on the death of her boss, a grain of sand that can never be re-inserted into the “bloody sand” (to borrow the title of Lester’s drink, though snow may be a more accurate term) of Fargo and its neighboring cities.