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Week in Review: Support a documentary on a Nic Cage Superman movie

Week in Review rounds up the best of the rest of film and TV news hitting the web this week. Check out the rest of the SOS Blog for more news updates.  Unless your name is Edgar Wright, it’s hard to imagine a superhero movie of any caliber and pedigree not somehow getting made in …

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Kickstart this project: ‘The Death of “Superman Lives”: What Happened?’

Once upon a time, the world was very close to getting a Superman movie directed by Tim Burton and starring Nic Cage, titled Superman Lives. The Superman movie, which was intended for production during the 1990s, would feature Lex Luthor, the alien supercomputer Brainiac, and Doomsday as villains. The project was, however, scrapped. There were …

Read More about Kickstart this project: ‘The Death of “Superman Lives”: What Happened?’