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‘Caliban’ #5-Good in a Painful Way

Well, some of my theories about the nature of this ship were born out by this issue, while others turned out to be bogus. More than anything else, this is a sad issue, as virtually all of the characters have been whittled down until only a couple of people are left alive at the end. Be aware, I will be discussing numerous spoilers here, so if you don’t want to know who bites it, don’t read any further. Consider yourself warned.

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‘Caliban’ #3 showcases what works so well about horror and some of the genre’s limitations

Now it is starting to hit the fan. That’s a telling statement, given that the opening issue of this comic has the Caliban crashing into an alien ship. Now, however, the crew knows that somebody is going around squishing people’s heads, and it’s one of their own.

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‘Caliban’ #2 – The Creep Factor is Rising

Caliban #2 has the group taking stock of their situation and realizing how little they know about what they’ve gotten themselves into. Ennis teases us with several possibilities before we see the real danger confronting the crew, or at least a hint of the danger’s true nature. Even when it only has a few fleshed out characters, something about this story manages to be engrossing and disturbing all at once.

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