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Elementary, Ep. 1.04, “The Rat Race”: Holmes in the face of temptation

Elementary: Season 1, Ep. 4 – “The Rat Race” Directed by Rosemary Rodriguez Written by Craig Sweeny Elementary airs Thursday nights at 10 p.m. ET on CBS. After the enjoyably tense “Child Predator“, there were high hopes for the fourth episode of Elementary, rather than have the season return to the initial slump at the …

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Elementary, Ep.1.02, “While You Were Sleeping”: An uncompelling adaptation of Sherlock Holmes

Elementary, Season 1, Episode 2: “While You Were Sleeping” Directed by John Coles Written by Rob Doherty Airs Thursdays at 10pm (ET) on CBS. After seeing the pilot episode for this almost uncompelling adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, Elementary skims through to a second episode and another chance to prove that Jonny Lee Miller and showrunner …

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How does ‘Sherlock’ work in the US? The answer is Elementary!

  In February, news of an upmost upsetting nature came to light. Barely a month after the second season of Sherlock finished on UK screens, CBS revealed their intention to do a version of the show – Elementary – but based in New York. I’m going to be honest. Quite frankly, the idea may not …

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