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‘Game of Thrones: The Sword in the Darkness’: The seams are beginning to show

When the idea of melding the rich world of Game of Thrones with Telltale Games’ unique talent for storytelling was initially proposed, it seemed like a match made in heaven. What better place than Westeros, a locale bursting with lore and dripping with morally murky situations, for a new Telltale series. Unfortunately, more and more as this series continues, it is beginning to appear as the weakest link in the Telltale chain thus far.

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In the Flesh, Ep. 2.03: “Episode 3” tells a touching side story

Even more so than in either of the season’s first two episodes, “Episode 3” allows In the Flesh to effectively utilize its extended episode order to tell a story that isn’t entirely necessary, yet it succeeds so much almost because it’s not necessary.

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Misfits, Ep. 3.03: Simon moves closer towards his destiny

Misfits, Season 3, Episode 3 Airs Sundays, 10pm GMT on E4 Around the time of season 2 something changed within Misfits. Slowly Simon started becoming much more interesting as a character than Nathan. I can already feel the hate coming my way but let me explain. Nathan was popular because of his looks, charm and comedic …

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Community, Ep. 3.03: “Competitive Ecology″

Community, Season 3, Episode 3: “Competitive Ecology″ Airs Thursdays, 8pm ET on NBC A common theme in sitcom television is that the characters within the world of the television show only interact with each other and never make any friends outside of their group. If they do, they are only pushed away by other members …

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The Walking Dead Sneak Peek – Episode 3 “Tell It to the Frogs”

AMC has posted a sneak peak of the third episode of The Walking Dead. This is full of *spoilers* so watch at your own risk! Also don’t forget Sound On Sight is now producing a pretty enteraitning podcast devoted to the series which you can listen to here.

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