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Fantasia 2012: Michael Biehn Refuses to be ‘The Victim’

The Victim Written by Michael Biehn, based on a story by Reed Lackey Directed by Michael Biehn USA 2012 Fantasia imdb For years, Michael Biehn has been of the most interesting and versatile actors in genre cinema, while paradoxically one of the most misused. Capable of playing the hero, anti-hero or stone cold villain, Biehn has the …

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Fantasia 2012: Edgar’s most anticipated films

It is that time of year again. Mid-to-late July means two things if one is a film fan either living or visiting the city of Montréal. The blockbuster season is in full swing, although that can be applied to just about any city in the universe, and the Fantasia film festival is mere days away. …

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Fantasia 2012: Mike Ryan’s Most Anticipated Films

For those that are confused (which would obviously include me) the column that has the url: is actually my column on the five films that I am most upset to be MISSING. This is my column on five seven films that I am most looking forward to: 1) Takashi Miike (For Love’s Sake and …

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