The Vampire Diaries, Ep 5.14: “No Exit” has characters come to important realisations
Dr. Maxfield returns to run further tests on Damon, while Matt helps Nadia realise a fundamental truth about her mother in an entertaining outing this week.
Dr. Maxfield returns to run further tests on Damon, while Matt helps Nadia realise a fundamental truth about her mother in an entertaining outing this week.
As Katherine stands at death’s door, the characters come to terms with how they feel about her, amidst the unexpected return of a few characters.
The Vampire Diaries, Season 4, Episode 21: “She’s Come Undone” Written by Michael Narducci and Rebecca Sonnenshine Directed by Darnell Martin Airs Thursdays at 8pm (ET) on the CW This week, on The Vampire Diaries: Katherine has fun with Elena, Caroline has a heart to heart with her mom, and Bonnie has a plan Most …
The Vampire Diaries, Season 4, Episode 15: “Stand by Me” Written by Julie Plec Directed by Lance Anderson Airs Thursdays at 8pm (ET) on the CW This week, on The Vampire Diaries: Elena tailspins, Bonnie gets the crazy eyes, and Shane is still alive Last week’s The Vampire Diaries ended with a stark image- Jeremy …