‘Our Man in Tehran’ is a thrilling history lesson
From Canada comes a fascinating new documentary about the daring extraction of 6 American Embassy workers from Tehran during the 1980 Iranian Hostage Crisis.
From Canada comes a fascinating new documentary about the daring extraction of 6 American Embassy workers from Tehran during the 1980 Iranian Hostage Crisis.
Though heightened, serialized dramas make up the bulk of the new hour-longs this fall, there are still plenty of procedurals headed our way, both over the next few weeks and at midseason. Some are more successful than others, with the better ones demonstrating some self-awareness and a sense of humor about themselves, but most of …
CBS has had a comfortable lead in the network ratings for several years now, but with many of their most popular comedies continuing to age (The Big Bang Theory is starting season 7, HIMYM is wrapping up its run this year with season 9, and Two and a Half Men is going into season 11), …