In a surprise announcement yesterday at Comic-Con, Legendary Pictures revealed that they are developing a new King Kong film called Skull Island. The film will explore the world of Kong, which is inhabited by a large menagerie of prehistoric creatures. This news comes shortly after the company’s spilt with Warner Brothers and a newly minted partnership with Universal Studios. Legendary seems to be going all in on the monster movie business as they are currently also producing both the Godzilla and Pacific Rim franchises. No other information has been provided on Skull Island and if the film will be at all connected to Peter Jackson’s 2005 remake in any way.
The studio showed a brief teaser of the film that ended with the Eighth Wonder of the World roaring atop the skull shaped mountain. A press release provided by Legendary from Deadline had this to say: “Previous works have touched on the island, but staying and exploring this mysterious and dangerous place offers Legendary the opportunity to take audiences deeper inside this rich world with a style and scope that parallels other Legendary productions.”
The film will be released on November 4, 2016.