Edward Scissorhands #6: Whole Again
Written by Kate Leth
Artwork by Drew Rausch
Color by Rikki Simons
Published by IDW Publishing
Edward Scissorhands #6: Whole Again enters a new arc off with a long incomplete quest of Edward to be finished as a being and adventures with his friend Megs. A bonus treat for the fans of the film is that Megs happens to be the granddaughter of Kim Boggs. The comic picks up Edward’s unanswered desired to have normal hand instead of scissors. Yet the journey to be normal or, as the story’s arc suggests, whole again makes the reader question what exactly should Edward be looking for in his life. Writer Leth presents a fine understanding of Edward from the film and developing his character further. Colorist Simons and Artist Rausch promote a stylized creation which adds to the fairytale like mood and dark settings of the story. Edward Scissorhands #6: Whole Again gives the reader a continuing scene of a modern day fairytale and a critical reflection on normalcy.
The quick overview of the comic goes as follows Edward as he and his new friends work on fixing up Edward’s home. Edward’s friends get him electricity and a brand new television. By viewing a program “Get Wells” where Edward learns from his friend Dr. Wells helps people change their appearances as they desire. Megs, his closet friend, warns him that Dr. Wells only uses people to get more fame for himself. Edward becomes deeply interested in being turned normal by Dr. Wells. Meanwhile, Megs and her family deal with their past connections to Edward and his impact on their lives. Toward the end of the comic, Edward’s friends aid him in trying to get Dr. Wells assistance.
Leth creates Edward with the bases of his original character from the end of the film, while clear new traits have come to focus. Leth’s portrayal of Edward reveals his naïve, reserved, and sweet natured. In the comic, Edward shows naivety of cultural expressions while working with a friend to fix up his house. Yet Leth does focus on the struggle of Edward over his appearance, but unlike the film where Edward had become visually upset and angered over the subject without words and destroyed object. Leth’s Edward shows his emotions by verbally expressing to his friends his desires, while resisting trying to destroy things. The character has since from his exile and introduction to his new company of friends as grow to regain the lost support he had from the Boggs Family.
Simons and Rausch work to make modern fairytale by stylized artwork, through well-crafted backgrounds, and lively character design. Simons and Rausch create Edward’s home as fairytale like in nature due to the gothic structure and darker colors inside of it. Edward’s home appears like a spooky castle, yet his place is newly redesigned and cleaned home has splashes of colors such as red and purple. The change in the house such as light fixtures, red curtains, and a ruby red sofa. Edward’s cleaned up house signifies the shift in Edward’s life by the town’s acceptance of him. Furthermore, Simons and Rausch use a slightly brighter color palette for background settings in the other parts of town. The subtle contrast between the areas offers a break in the fairytale like setting.
Edward Scissorhands #6: Whole Again does make the reader think critically in what they consider normal. Is it wrong for someone to want to change their look? Or do they accept the way they are born? As for the arc’s name, it may be suggesting Edward does not need new hands as so much as he is gaining a new family with his friends. The team behind Edward Scissorhands #6: Whole Again holds a promising new and interesting arc for fans of the film and readers like.