Sundance Selects has picked up the U.S. rights to Venus in Furs (La Vénus à la fourrure), a French drama directed by Roman Polanski and starring Emmanuelle Seigner and Mathieu Amalric. The film premiered in competition for the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, and is an adaptation of a play by David Ives that was co-written by the playwright and Polanski. Here’s the official synopsis:
Set in modern-day Paris, Venus In Fur follows writer-director Thomas (Amalric) and a pushy, foul-mouthed actress named Vanda (Seigner) who bursts into auditions in a whirlwind of erratic energy. Vanda’s emotionally charged audition for the gifted but demanding playwright becomes an electrifying game of cat and mouse that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality, seduction and power, and ultimately, attraction and obsession.