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Person of Interest Ep. 3.19: “Most Likely to…” is a simple yet effective episode

Person of Interest works really well a lot of the times when it keeps its stories simple and straightforward with a little mystery thrown in for good measure. “Most Likely to…” is exactly that and the show does it wonderfully.

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Person of Interest Ep. 3.18: “Allegiance” sadly reliant on procedural format

Person of Interest falls into many of the same traps that shows of its ilk often do. Their week-to-week mysteries, full of twists and turns that are meant to surprise and trick viewers before resolving at each episode’s end, inevitably become a weakness, taking away from the series’ many other elements, those that they do so very well. The difference between Person of Interest and other procedurals is that this show is going for who-gonna-do-it instead of the tired whodunit. Perhaps the formula would be more successful if the mystery were whether the weekly number is going to kill someone or be killed, but more often than not, it’s straightforward, with little more for our leads to determine than who the wants to kill the number.

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Person of Interest Ep. 3.14: “Provenance” gets its heist on

There are times in life when you’re forced to do something not because you want to, but because you have no choice but to do it. Who among us hasn’t taken a crappy job for the sole reason that you won’t rent otherwise? In a perfect world we do the work we want and love with a big salary attached and life is good. The real world is far more cruel that, however, and sometimes you just suffer through that bad job. Hopefully it’s never to the point of this week’s number, Kelli Lin (Elaine Tan), who is extorted into stealing art by criminals that have her daughter.

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Person of Interest, Ep. 3.12, “Aletheia” explores the nature of The Machine

The first half of Person of Interest’s third season was a tremendous group of episodes: laughs were shared, losses were had, feels were felt (in case you’re wondering, all), but good times were had by all, except, perhaps, Taraji P. Henson, but let’s not go there. In any case, it’s been a great season and all indications say that will only continue from here.

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Person of Interest, Ep. 3.11, “Lethe” ends the year on a high-note

Halfway into Person of Interest’s third season and it’s as good as it’s ever been. Despite the fall finale ending on a cliffhanger, because shows feel they have to do that sort of thing now, the show finished the year on one heck of a high-note and that’s always welcome.

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Person of Interest, Ep. 3.09, “The Crossing” keeps you guessing

“The Crossing”, the second installment in Person of Interest’s three-part arc, picks up directly where “Endgame” left off with Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Carter (Tarji P. Henson) transporting the head of nefarious organization HR, Alonzo Quinn (Clarke Peters), to the FBI headquarters in New York City. Making matters more difficult, HR has put a hit out on Reese to every criminal in the city.

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Person of Interest, Ep. 3.06, “Mors Praematura” works on its potential season-long villain

Person of Interest, Season 3, Episode 6, “Mors Praematura” Written by Dan Sietz Directed by Helen Shaver Airs Tuesdays at 10pm ET on CBS The driving force behind Person of Interest is its greatest strength and its biggest potential weakness. Having an all-knowing Machine at the foreground is, in one breath, a fantastic expositional tool that can …

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Person of Interest, Ep. 3.05, “Razgovor” a deeper look at its resident sociopath

It’s been shown numerous times since Shaw’s (Sarah Shahi) addition to the cast that she’s not quite what one would call a “team player”. It’s also been strongly implied that she might be some sort of a sociopath. Why someone like this would be in the business of saving people’s lives day in and day out is up to anyone to guess. “Razgovor”, though, has one very simple but vital goal- exploring deeper the strange woman that is Shaw.

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Person of Interest, Ep. 3.04, “Reasonable Doubt” provides a moral gray area

“Reasonable Doubt” finds Reese (Jim Caviziel) and Finch (Michael Emerson) trying to protect Vanessa Watkins (Kathleen Rose Perkins), a prosecutor that may or may not have killed her husband on a boat and thrown his body overboard. After Watkins escapes the custody of the police, the team has to locate her and decide for themselves if she is innocent or guilty.

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Person of Interest, Ep. 3.03, “Lady Killer” shows off its female characters

When Person of Interest first started, it had a simple cast of Reese and Finch (Jim Caviziel and Michael Emerson, respectively) being hunted every week by Taraji P. Henson that has now transformed to a full roster of characters (assets)-many of them women- that the show has its disposal. “Lady Killer” drives this point home time and time again when Reese and Finch receive a number from a regular Casanova, a real “lady killer”(get it, guys?) who they suspect might be a stalker/serial killer. To find out for themselves, they bait the waters with Carter, Shaw (Sarah Shahi), and political fixer Zoe Morgan (Paige Turco). While Reese and Finch are focused on the new number, Root(Amy Acker) is continuing her crazy-person-athon at the mental institution she’s attempting to escape from while not being discovered by government types.

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Person of Interest, Ep. 3.02, “Nothing to Hide” injects new enemies while a technothriller threat

Person of Interest Season 1, Episode 2: ‘Nothing to Hide’ Directed by Fred Toye Written by Erik Mountain Airs Tuesdays at 10 P.M. on CBS When it comes to the owners of the numbers that “The Machine” feeds out to Reese and Finch, Person of Interest does one of two things very well: making you sympathize with this …

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Despite Walter Hill at the helm, ‘Bullet to the Head’ is a bore

Bullet to the Head Written by Alessandro Camon Directed by Walter Hill USA, 2012 Bullet to the Head marks Walter Hill’s return to feature film directing after a ten year absence. Though dissimilar to career highs like The Warriors or The Driver, Bullet to the Head’s basic set-up of a cop teaming up with someone …

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