For the unfamiliar, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a remake of The Binding of Isaac developed by Nicalis and designed by Edmund McMillen. The excellent rogue-like horror came back to life with a new engine and lots of changes in late 2014 when it was released on Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita – and now, the game will be ported for the Wii U and New Nintendo 3DS later in the year. Earlier this week, developer Edmund McMillen’s site announced that the game was coming to Nintendo formats; and despite McMillen’s humorous posts, it seems that none of the content will be censored. If you haven’t yet had a chance to play the game, I highly recommend it. Along with Shovel Knight, Rebirth was a strong contender for the Indie Game of 2014. Check out Adelman’s tweets below, and below that is an amazing video from The Game Theorists: With 16 endings and all just as obscure as the last, it seems like this game has some deep things to say… but what are those things, exactly? Watch the video and find out.
so for those that only read headlines, binding of isaac rebirth is FOR SURE coming to WiiU, new 3DS & Xbox1 soonish!
— Edmund McMillen (@EdmundMcMillenn) April 2, 2015
i feel the need to say again, Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is actually coming to new 3ds, WiiU and Xbox1 soon! UNEDITED!
— Edmund McMillen (@EdmundMcMillenn) April 2, 2015