Written by Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett, Mike Johnson, & Cullen Bunn
Art by Scott McDaniel, Tyler Kirkham, Eduardo Pansica & Marc Deering, Jack Herbert & Vicente Cifuentes, Jorge Jimenez, Robson Rocha & Guillermo Ortego
Colors by Gabe Eltaeb
Published by DC Comics
Well it’s a new week which means it’s time to look at another issue of Earth 2: World’s End (that’s comic book lingo for “disappointment and missed opportunities.”) While it is easy to rag on this series as it deserves a lot of its hard criticisms, this issue does at least attempt to redeem itself.
While the numerous go-nowhere story lines are out in full force, this issue marks the point where these narratives begin to come together. Heroes start collaborating instead of wasting their time in Dragon Ball Z styled fight scenes, somewhat. Alan Scott starts the closest thing he’s had to a character arc this series and Dick Grayson gets the closest his story has ever gotten to being relevant. One of the strangest characterizations as of late rears its head. Despite being portrayed as a hero seeking redemption in Futures End, Big Barda seems perfectly fine with murdering people in this series as she carves through an entire platoon of World Army soldiers. However, the bigger problem that has been plaguing this title since the beginning is any lack of arc in issues. Every story line is so brief and lacks any build up that every week only provides a few snippets of narrative, but no story. This issue does not break that trend.
The art is what it’s always been, an unwieldy pool of talent with no one particularly interested in doing their job. All the talent Tyler Kirkham brought to Green Lantern: New Guardians is missing in action, the segments with Dick Grayson look ugly and rushed, no one is credited properly, and the colors are, for the most part an ugly shade of red when outside.
This is not a stand out issue of what’s regularly been a disappointing series. Unless one is reading this for elements that might pop up in Convergence, even then there are much better titles to pick up, avoid. There’s barely anything of interest here.